2 Important Elements of a Roofing System

Keeping your roofing system effective is indispensable in providing a good, quality and safe home for your loved ones. While consulting a roofing expert can greatly help in achieving the best roofing system for your home, knowing the function of this system and its effects to your home is still something you need to know.

Two elements play vital roles in achieving the best roofing system for your home: Ventilation and Insulation; these two work collaboratively to create an efficient roofing system that provides protection and comfort to people living in it.


This determines the resilience of your roofing; without appropriate ventilation, your roof can be damaged secondary to accumulation of moisture that can result to rusting and rotting of the roofing materials.

Ridge vents, soffit vents and louvers are usual sources of ventilation for your roof; they maintain proper ventilation for the entire roofing system. Therefore, the belief that these ventilation sources must be covered during cold season is untrue and should not be done. When ventilation sources are blocked or cut off, proper airflow is poorly achieved; when this takes place, increased moisture levels can encourage bacteria, fungi and moulds to grow.In simpler words, proper ventilation in your roofing system paves way to keeping it intact and damage-free. Additionally, ventilation is fundamental in determining the comfort experienced by people directly residing below. So if there is discomfort within an area of the house despite good weather outside, consider evaluating your roofing system, particularly the ventilation aspect.


The second vital element in maintaining a good roofing system is the insulation. You need to ensure that the layer of insulation located in the attic floor has no gaps as this will help generate heat gain and loss and will therefore determine the atmosphere of the rooms below.Insulation plays a major role in achieving a quality roofing system in that, the comfort of the people living in the house can be much greatly affected if something wrong happens to the insulation.

Ventilation and insulation are the two requisite for achieving an effective roofing system. And your know-how about these two elements can greatly help in understanding the conditions in your home. You can even assess the comfort level your roofing system is providing the entire home.

Consulting an expert can also help you evaluate the functionality of these elements and your roofing system as a whole. You can then know whether it needs minor or simple repairs. But if you practice a habit of regular evaluation and check-up of your roofing system, you could just be helping yourself save more money as minor repairs can mean lesser expenses that major overhauls brought about by not minding smaller damages.

So there are your two elements for a good roofing system. Now that you’ve learned about the basics, you can understand why your home feels too hot despite good weather outside or why it feels very comfortable despite the nagging heat in the country.

RoofingCharles Thayer